Terms & Conditions

Reef Pools Cronulla Terms & Conditions

All quotes must be read and accepted in conjunction with these terms and conditions.

Scope of Work Reef Pools undertake to complete the interior lining as quoted and ordered in a fit for purpose tradesman like manner to the selected finish, exposed, washed, leaving the coping, waterline tiles and site (industrially) clean and free from all Reef Pools generated dry rubbish.

Pre-Existing Damage upon arrival and departure from site Reef Pools require the presence of a representative of the pool company to be on site on the morning and afternoon of the installation to carry out with them an inspection of the general access and work area, fence, tiles, coping, lawn, etc to identify any preexisting damage and to sign off. Non-attendance means you accept Reef Pools has caused no damage. No Exceptions Site Classification the immediate pool, surrounds and access area are for safety is designated a building site and we ask that you restrict access by all other personal, trades and pets on the day of application, as we require clear and uninterrupted access in and around the pool, to complete the project to the highest standard.

Colour, Shade Variation, Finish as a product manufactured using natural materials Reef Pools pool interiors can/will have some imperfections such as shade variation, bead distribution, bead size, possible patchiness, rust specs. These variations are normal for this type of product and are not considered as a defect or accepted as a reason for rejection.

As it is the nature of all concrete pool shells that they will vary in porosity, and can have weepers present in some cases due to the actual site conditions being rock, clay or the likes which in some cases will cause uneven curing making it possible for colour variation and or blooming. These variations are not accepted as a defect.

Reef Pools will endeavour to manage these pool shell variations to the best of our ability, however we do not accept any responsibility or liability of any form for them or any problem associated with them nor do we accept any resultant variations in the interior as a reason for rejection.

Standard of Finish Reef Pools undertake to finish the project to the highest acceptable industry standard in a proper and tradesman like manner, fit for purpose. Minor defects are a fact of life in all aspects of construction and are not accepted or considered as a reason for rejection.

Installation Programming on receipt of the signed quote accepted and subject to our Terms and Conditions we will give an approximate installation day to the best of our ability and subject to weather along with the date the client advises the project will be ready and other changes beyond our control, it is extremely important (in peak season October to February) that the job be ready by the agreed day preferably earlier. Should the job not be ready on this day Reef Pools will re schedule the installation for the first available day after the job is ready.

Note: In the lead, up to Christmas if the job is not ready on the date advised, we will do our best to reschedule but in worst case scenario the installation may not be able to be done until after Christmas. Reef Pools accept no responsibility or liability for such delays. Note we commence back approximately 15th January each year.

Once an installation date is advised, the pool (relevant to all the criteria stated above) must be ready BEFORE this date. Should this not be the case and our team arrives on site we may not (for safety or legal reasons) be able to complete the works which could cause you unnecessary delay, disappointment and expense for lost time.

Parking &Access Parking on or in front of the property is required for our Pump Truck. Any permits, bollards, stop/go men or anything required to do this legally is the responsibility of the builder or the client. We require fair access to be provided for our tradesmen, material and machinery, and should this be through the garage, house or via the driveway as our tradesmen will be on site (early from 6.30 am onwards) please arrange to move any vehicles well in advance of our arrival. Difficulty in accessing the site may require additional labour to get machinery and materials on site and could incur an additional charge. While we are accessing the site, we will make every effort not to damage any lawn, grass, decking, surrounds or structure etc but accept no liability for such damage in doing so.

If you are concerned regarding potential accidental damage of any sort, then please ensure these areas are covered in advance for protection.

Reef Pools will make every effort but accept no liability for such damage.

Preparation Clean Out the pool preparation is the responsibility of the pool builder and/or the client, please ensure that the pool is clean and free from contamination such as dirt, leaves, bark, oil, grease, curing agents, builder’s rubbish, excess stone sealer over runs, emptied of any stagnant or slimy water, acid washed, pressure cleaned and free from rubbish of any form including but not limited to, undercutting waterline tiles, tilers wash out or grout slurry, weepers are required to be stopped, pipes, lights and other penetrations are pointed, free from any stone sealer over runs on the interior, tested for leaks and sealed in readiness.

Reef Pools will not be responsible for any damage to the interior resulting from but not limited to the above Any preparation work required once we arrive on site will be charged at $95.00 per man hour GST Inclusive Waterline Tiles & Coping to be fitted and grouted and clean of any tile grout with all expansion joints filled. Structural Suitability the pool builder and or the owner warrant that the pool is structurally suitable. Reef Pools will carry out the interior installation in good faith and after consultation with the pool builder and or owner who accept and warrant the pool to be structurally suitable to receive the interior installation.

Responsibilities Reef Pools will assist to the best of their ability in the correction of pool shell irregularities and variances but accept no responsibility for any defect or patchiness caused by those issues in pool construction and renovation such as but not limited to.

Weepers, pack out, crooked steps ledges swim outs hollow’s back falls cracked, leaky or covered pipes, hydros etc.

As we will have a minimum of four plus men on site please rectify these issues prior to our arrival on site to avoid additional charges for loss of time.

Pool Shell to avoid any delays or additional charges please ensure the pool shell is finished in an accurate and professional manner, we will make every endeavour to present the job as evenly contoured as possible accepting the limits that it is a hand applied and trowelled product however the shell we are given to work with will influence this greatly. Reef Pools do not assume the responsibility for correcting irregularities left by previous trades.

Lights & Fittings or other internal fittings that need to be in screwed in place should be done in advance where necessary.

All the eyeballs suction covers, hydro cover, Polaris wall rings, light, light rings and screws must be available on site. Please double check as this can lead to additional costs if a delay occurs.

On completion of the interior installation Reef Pools will fit off all the suctions, eyeballs, lights, hydro etc but we do not in any way accept responsibility in the event there is a leaky fitting. Please feel free to have your representative on site as we complete the interior to do this fit off if you think it necessary.

Plumbing we require a plan of the plumbing so we can ensure the pool is fitted off correctly and any redundant pipes identified and filled where necessary.

Water & Power are to be available. We require a minimum of two (2) 240V power outlets and a good supply of (Town Water) or comparable pressure within 20 metres of the job.

Slurry Bins as Reef Pools will be in and out of the job in the one day and not returning to site, if there is no pre-agreed position on site to dispose of the slurry then Reef Pools will leave this neatly stored for disposal by the builder or owner. There will be some (mostly clean) water in the containers separated from the solids, this can be drained off and the solids disposed of. Note we do not return to site to collect the slurry bins.

Pool Fence a permanent fence must be installed certified and if considered necessary covered for protection against accidental damage before we can commence. As in many instances the fence will not pass on the first inspection, we would ask you to ensure it has passed prior to making a firm booking as unnecessary loss of time will incur charges.

Washout Area as we will be working with cement based products we require an area on site to wash our tools and equipment, every attempt will be made to keep the site and surrounds clean and free of rubbish and we will work with you in this respect, however it is a building site, it must be understood that we will be working with cement based products and we require a position on site to clean our equipment as this cannot be done off site.

Please advise our crew of your preferred clean up area when they arrive on site Toilet as our tradesman will be on site for the greater part of a day if there is no Porta-Loo onsite we require and would appreciate the use of a toilet for the duration of the job.

Pets if there are pets on site please arrange to have them tied up or kennelled away from the work site and any droppings removed prior as we will have various items such as tarps and hoses running across the area and any contamination that finds it way into the pool may cause a problem to the interior finish.

Trees, Shrubs etc if the clients or neighbouring properties have trees surrounding the pool that may drop leaves, flowers and nuts; please ensure these do not drop onto the pool floor before it is filled as they can cause tannin staining. We will leave the pool surface clean when we finish but we do not accept responsibility for organic droppings from that point. If you feel it necessary, we suggest you cover the pool with a cheap tarp to keep leaves etc off until the pool is filled and until the surface is covered by water and or cured.

Final Clean up Note: As the project area is a building site our clean up is to a tradesman’s clean up standard. It must be accepted that we are not commercial cleaners.

Filling the Pool once the interior is complete we will commence filling the pool. It is the responsibility of the pool builder or the owner to turn off the hose once filled to the correct level. If you have poor water pressure or for large pools, we suggest you assist the filling by bringing in a water tanker. We accept no responsibility for stains occurring due to slow filling and organic matter entering the pool Do not allow the pool to overfill as this will cause problems with the waterline tiles and the coping. We recommend that an overflow be fitted to the back of the skimmer box and drained to a suitable drainage point.

Note: the pool builder or the owner are to supply a hose or hoses of sufficient length for the filling of the pool at the deep end immediately theinterior is finished.

If there is no hose available and as we do not return to site Reef Pools will supply and leave a hose on site for an additional fee of $50.00 per hose as the pool must be filled uninterrupted immediately after the interior is complete. Chemicals Addition if the pool is to be a salt water pool run the pool on chlorine only for the first two weeks do not add the salt for two weeks from completion of the interior. When adding any chemicals, these must be spread around the pool and dispersed. Never tip any chemicals or additives in the one spot and leave undissolved as this can cause staining and colour variation. Note most pools will require the addition of acid so please ensure this is done once the pool is full to prevent potential problems Brushing Down it is the responsibility of the owner or their agent to firmly brush the entire pool surface down twice daily for a minimum of the first two weeks or as required to bring any calcium and minerals from the pool water or the interior into suspension so it can be filtered out.

Failure to do so can result in the interior and the waterline tiles becoming rough to the touch and worst case scenario may result in the pool requiring to be emptied and acid washed.

Entering the Pool please ensure that no one enters the uncured pool when finished for a minimum period of 36 hours and further restrict the use of the pool to a minimum for the first 7 days. Sign Off upon completion of the installation Reef Pools require the presence of a representative of the pool company to be on site to carry out an inspection of the installation with them and to accept and sign off for the job. Failure to attend constitutes your acceptance of the interior.

Reef Pools do not accept responsibility from that point.

Upon departure from the site should you require a further site meeting/inspection this will incur a fee of $250.00 payable in advance by credit card of direct transfer. This fee is nonrefundable if the query is not the fault of Reef Pools or outside our Terms & Conditions

Repairs In the unlikely event that the pool needs to be emptied to carry out a repair or acid wash Reef Pools regardless do not accept the liability to pay for water or chemical. No exceptions.

Renovations additional items

Skip Bin in the case of a renovation an accessible off street on site position for a skip bin for the duration of the project is required.

Structural Suitability it is the responsibility of the pool builder of the pool owner at their cost to check with a suitably qualified engineer for cracks, leaks, rusted reo bars, erosion etc and to the overall structural state of the pool to receive the upgrade. After commencement, should it be deemed for whatever reason that the pool is not suitable or the owner deem that the cost of further repairs is not acceptable to them then Reef Pools can withdraw without penalty and is entitled to reimbursement for work done to date. Reef Pools accepts no responsibility for movement resulting in damage to the completed work.

Strip Out Reef Pools recommend that the existing interior in pools greater than 10 years old in most cases be completely stripped out prior to being Prep/Bond Coated. Pools less than 10 years old should be accessed to see if the existing interior is sound and free from any drummy sections and any minor drummy sections completely removed prior to being Prep/Bond Coated and the new interior applied.

Prep/Bond Coat to be applied by Reef Pools. In the event the builder wishes to apply the Prep/Bond Coat Reef Pools do not warrant the bond between the coating and the pool shell or between the coating and the new interior.

Rust Repairs If Reef Pools is requested to repair areas that have visual rust they will do so to the best of their ability using best known practices and materials however we accept no responsibility for re appearing or additional rust marks in the surface. In the case of a renovation on strip out of the shell Reef Pools in consultation with the owner will consult with and engineer if deemed necessary, the cost of which is to be borne by the owner.

Accidental Damage while Reef Pools will take great care to carry out the agreed work in a proper and professional manner, accidental damage to any existing lights, plumbing, tiling, surrounds or the like (which can in many cases already deteriorated) during the carrying out of the renovation which requires repairs will be at the cost to the pool builder or customer.

Payment Terms New Pools

a) A booking fee of 25% is due on acceptance and signing of the quote and conditions. Direct deposit or credit card accepted.

b) Payment for the materials 55% is due a minimum of two (2) days in advance of the agreed installation date Direct deposit or credit card accepted.

c) The balance or final payment 20% is due in full on the day of installation. Credit Card only accepted. Please provide your credit card details well prior to the day of installation to avoid delays.

Payment terms for Renovation’s As quoted

Method of Payment Accepted

Credit Card details are to be provided in advance. Reef Pools will debit the card at the appropriate time in accordance with our quote and terms and conditions listed above. We accept Visa and Master Card only.

For accepted 7day account holders a fully completed credit application is required. (account application attached)

Warranty Reef Pools warrant that their products are free from defects and are fit for purpose in line with the Australian Standards requirements for pool renders. Reef Pools do not warrant any section of the pool structure.

Non-or short payment of any portion of the Reef Pools invoice for a period outside the agreed terms of payment will render the warranty irrecoverably void.

Pool water balance must be carried out at minimum weekly intervals or more frequently dependent on the weather (rain, heat etc) and maintained at all times of the year and records kept which will be required for inspection in the event of a claim. Failure to do so will render the warranty void.

Go to www.reefpoolscronulla.com website for full warranty conditions, start up and chemical balance recommendations.

If you have any questions, please take the time to discuss this with us prior to ensure the installation goes smoothly.

0426 654 854


Claims outside of these terms and conditions will not be considered or accepted.